Thursday, October 9, 2008

Stop pestering me. About this anyway.

Ok, fine. So apparently more than one of you missed my weekly update, that or just wanted to give me something to do so I'd stop bothering them because I was bored. I don't have a really good topic to write about, no flowers, no sun glaring in my eyes... Nothing really new with the Army, though they did quite piss me off last week and pretty much ruined my conference weekend, that combined with something to do with my blanket statement from the first blog. But both issues have been resolved or are in the process, and that's all I can ask for, so I'm content.
I've also been pestered about my upcoming birthday, about what I want for it, what I want to do for it. Yeah, not so much. I've never been one to celebrate birthdays, at least not my own. It stems mostly from that time in 2nd grade where I invited my whole class, and nobody showed up to the party (yes, those kinds of things do happen in real life. I realized I wasn't the most popular kid, and that's ok) or my 15th birthday when I had some of my best friends drive 40 miles to my house to see me, and while I was driving to get another friend, my mom and I got into a car accident. We never picked up the other friend, and the ones who were already at my house had to go home while my dad took my mom to the hospital to get checked out. We were both fine, just worried about some scratches. It was then I realized the futility of celebrating a birthday. When I was in Kuwait I turned 21. Most of my friends were non LDS, and honestly felt horrible that I had to experience such a big day in a dry (non alcoholic) country. Even though I don't drink, they wanted to drink for me. How thoughtful. I did, however, go down to the local Baskin Robbins and get myself an ice cream cone, and tried to eat it/enjoy it before it melted too quickly. I usually celebrate it by myself by fixing a cake and sitting at home wtih a tub of ice cream watching chick flicks... Oh wait, that's every friday night... Anyway. I've always been touched by how much it means to other people that I have a good birthday. A friend I barely knew brought me a doughnut with a candle in it a few days afterwards because I had just moved to Utah and didn't know anyone. And lately it just seems abstract that people are much, much, more excited about it than I am. And no, this isn't a pity plug for my birthday. Thanks though. I guess about the only thing I get really excited about is the chance to say to one of my friends that "I'm much older than you are, and that means I know more, so you have to listen to me". I wonder how much longer that's gonna hold up, as she has a degree, a husband, and a kid. Not to mention they're looking at buying their own house. Scary.
Once more, I have pulled off a great feat, writing a paper for a class in about 7 hours, plus 4 more of just messing around. And I didn't even know the paper was due till I attended the class that day. Lucky for me it was in the early afternoon. It was on the crusades, and it was worth 25% of my final grade, so I hope I did well. Oh, and in addition to my normal load of reading, one of my teachers just assigned a whole other freaking book on top of it! I can't tell you how happy that made me. Good thing my fall break is coming up, I'm going to need it. And, I think that's about it. Life is good, friends are good, work Parents just bought a house in Alabama, but still don't have a buyer for their house in West Virginia, should make life interesting to be sure.


Amy Nelson said...

I have to say that even I don't sit around on Friday evenings watching chick flicks! As for your birthday, you're older than I am so I'd love to hear some sage old advice from you.

eclaires said...

I love my birthday. So I'll love yours. :)

That one guy... said...

Ok, ok, so I don't really sit around watching chick flicks. Unless I'm with a "chick".

Amber Lynae said...

Jeff McGill your post made me smile. I'm glad that I can give you something to look forward to for your birthday. And someday you will catch up on the scary stuff (it really isn't scary... most of the time).