Monday, September 21, 2009


Hey guess what!!! We’re having our first sand storm today! It’s just a baby one that looks more like it’s just cloudy out, but it’s blowing around more sand than usual. Even the smokers who haven’t been over here before are opting to not go outside to smoke. I think we all wouldn’t mind not having to go outside to use the bathroom like I just had to do. Good thing I knew where it was without looking! I’m going to have to re-master the art of walking with my head down staring at the ground only occasionally looking up to see where I’m going and what’s in my way. It’s always funny to see people’s reactions to things like this, just like it was funny to see their reaction to the heat. I didn’t have the heart to tell them we’re on the cooler side of summer, if it all works out well, we’ll be leaving right in the middle of the good heat! But, with the sand storms come bloody noses and irritated eyes, dirt all over everything, and probably a cough to top it all off.
And guess what else? My very first unit that I belonged to when I joined the Army is here! That’s right; the good old 363rd Military Police Company from Grafton, WV is here. I ran into one of my old mechanics in the chow hall. He looks exactly the same as he did when I left. Then I saw my very first NCO, and she hadn’t changed one bit. Except she did get promoted once, I tried not to make it a point that I achieved the same rank she’s at now before I became a Warrant Officer. I saw others, and it was great to see some of them. I know that a few of them don’t remember me, but it just proves how small the world really is.

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