Sunday, May 17, 2009

Left behind

My sister Kelly graduated yesterday from West Virginia University, with a degree in advanced construction paper cutting or something like that... Actually it's called Theater Sciences or put a costume on an emo gay guy, I don't know. The way I look at it, she can now tell the texture of glitter to check it's quality, or how much ink is left in a marker, just by smelling it. I imagine she sniffed quite a few markers. Just think, (as I told her the other day) that she could have saved lots of money if she had just stayed in preschool a few more years and gotten the same experience! It is a bit depressing to think back and see that when I graduated High School, she was still in 8th grade, so I really slacked off! Granted I've lost about 14 semesters worth of school while working for the Army, so technically I could almost be a doctor by now. Wow, that almost makes me feel better.
But in all reality, I love her, and I'm very very proud of her! Good job Kelly. You'll never be as cool as I am though.

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