Friday, June 19, 2009

Fulfilling a request

So some of you may have heard that I've been away from the blessed protection of Utah lately. The truth is, I have. And to be honest, I'm having to look at a calendar to remember when I was where and why. On the 20th of May I headed home to Alabama to visit my family. I was really looking forward to spending some time with my family and relaxing. I got to see my sisters, well three of them, the other one was still in Utah being lame, going to school or something. My parents were there, as were my dogs. It was great to see everybody, though my dog Daisy was looking older and weaker (sure enough, I got a phone call the other day saying that they weren't sure if she was going to make it much longer. More to be said about this later).

I didn't sleep much at my parents house, but when I woke up, my sister Emily went back to West Virginia and my sister Kelly and I headed down to Pensacola Florida to see my Grandmom. It was a 6 hour drive, and after a night of little sleep, all I wanted to do was crash. Bless her heart, I love my Grandmom, but she is slightly over accommodating. Kelly and I wanted to fix a sandwich, so we got out the meat, mustard, cheese and all that. Well after we're halfway done fixing out sandwiches, she tells us about every other type of sandwich that we can have, and if we run out of something then we can go shopping for it in the morning. And it wasn't just sandwiches that she did that for, it was pretty much all food. That woman can talk! We talked about the phone lines in her house, painting the numbers over the garage, everything. I did enjoy helping her out though, I power washed her back porch and changed some light bulbs, plus I repainted her house numbers. I think Kelly did something for her, but that might have been just listening to her talk, bless her heart. It needs a lot of blessing. I stayed with her for a couple days before I flew to Miami to see my friend Caleb.
Caleb worked for the Coast Guard in the Florida Keys, shooting up drug runners and stopping illegal immigrants from entering the country. Apparently once Cubans get into the country, so he says, they get $10k from the government, and then they can get a $250k home loan and a $250 business starter loan, 76% of those loans are defaulted on. There are too many people out there for the banks to get their money back or go collect their things. I don't know if its true or not, but it's interesting.
Caleb is one of those kinds of guys that everybody likes. He hits it off immediately with everyone that comes around, makes connections and somehow gets all sorts of benefits from it. Like he used to live across from a bay, and did some odd jobs for a lady who owned the docks and some property, so she let him take her boats out whenever he liked. Eventually, when Caleb's family moved back to Idaho to save on housing costs, she let him live on her boats. How cool is that? I'm just the lucky friend who gets to reap the benefits of having a friend that everyone likes. So I get to crash on a 40 foot boat with one of my best friends, in the Florida Keys. We go out snorkeling everyday, and I got so burnt! I forgot to put sunscreen on my legs and head, but I remembered later that night! It was amazing though, all the fish that we saw. There were some baracuda that scared the crap out of me, I mean they were as big as I was! They could have eaten me pretty easily if they wanted to, with as many of them as there were.
But alas, all good things must come to an end. I had to go home. I was grateful for my chances to see my family even with all the drama that only family can bring, and my adopted brother Caleb. I flew home on a Wednesday, and had time to unpack, do my laundry, and pack again, cause I flew to Virginia on Saturday for some fun Army stuff. But I'm going to have to write about that later cause I'm way tired, and I still have to pack for my San Diego trip tomorrow morning.
Oh, and my friend A kept teasing me, so I told her I'd write about her. Today she got a facial, and apparently her face smells good, and she went to a Chinese food party tonight. At least I didn't write that you were a crazed controlling freak!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you saw me! Don't forget about me!