Monday, June 22, 2009

Can't sleep

My random thoughts....

I worry about my dog Daisy. She's 13 years old, and apparently isn't doing so well. She's getting weak and can't eat much. My other dog, Toby can tell there's something wrong and is acting kinda depressed according to my Mom. Losing Daisy would be a huge loss to my family, she's such an integral part of who we all are. It's amazing how much an animal can become a part of our lives.

I forgot to mention that my best friend Jason makes me feel better about myself in many ways. In this instance, he lives in California selling not security systems like I thought, but get this... garbage routes! He works for this company who tries to consolidate neighborhoods and get people in certain areas to swap "sanitation providers" to condense his company's routes. So he's like the garbage man's assistant. I love it!

I am really glad to be back home finally. I loved my trips and everyone I was able to see and meet and I'd do it again in a heartbeat but it's nice to be at my own house. granted it's only my house for 8 more days in which I need to find a storage shed, pack and move out. Talk about stress, I have to pack, but still keep things out that will last me till I leave for good.

I think with all the trips I've taken this year so far, and the fact that I'm about to leave for a bit makes me feel very disconnected from everything. I'm looking for something to help me feel grounded.

I still don't like California, I'm convinced it's going to eventually burn even more than it usually does. And how is it that I can spend days out on the open water and on the beach on the East Coast, and only get slightly burnt, but I can spend 3 hours on the beach in San Diego and come back roasted?

1 comment:

alecia said...

Well California probably will burn up and fall into the ocean, but San Diego is just so wonderful!! I would live there in a heartbeat if I could find a good job and it wasn't so dang expensive.